Asschatterkeerkade Leusden

The Asschatterkeerkade in Leusden is one of the older existing elements of the Grebbe Line. It dates from 1745. With its 2,500 meters it is one of the longest retaining quays of the Grebbe Line. Two hundred Dutch soldiers were stationed there between September 1939 and May 1940. The tank barrier, the lock and various casemates were built during this period. The largest concrete casemate is the “seven-folder” in the middle of the quay. A large casemate with 7 embrasures. There is also a unique concrete tank barrier from that time. The Germans tried in vain to break through the Valley Defense Line here in May 1940. 

In April 1945, the Asschatterkeerkade was a frontline between German and Allied troops again. Four civilians were executed near the quay. As a memorial there is a monument. 

After the war,…

The Asschatterkeerkade in Leusden is one of the older existing elements of the Grebbe Line. It dates from 1745. With its 2,500 meters it is one of the longest retaining quays of the Grebbe Line. Two hundred Dutch soldiers were stationed there between September 1939 and May 1940. The tank barrier, the lock and various casemates were built during this period. The largest concrete casemate is the “seven-folder” in the middle of the quay. A large casemate with 7 embrasures. There is also a unique concrete tank barrier from that time. The Germans tried in vain to break through the Valley Defense Line here in May 1940. 

In April 1945, the Asschatterkeerkade was a frontline between German and Allied troops again. Four civilians were executed near the quay. As a memorial there is a monument. 

After the war, the quay was developed into a beautiful ecological area where bats, mammals and up to forty different species of birds can be found.

This location is part of the Grebbelinie route. Play the video when you are on location:


Hagenouwselaan 0
3831 JP Leusden
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