Climbing Mont Marmont
Austerlitz is surrounded by extensive woodlands, dotted with castles, country estates and the famous Pyramid of Austerlitz. The Mont Marmont trail leads through the woods and offers an opportunity to climb the pyramid along the way.
Pyramid of Austerlitz
The Pyramid of Austerlitz is a 36-metre-high pyramid of earth, built in 1804 by Napoleon’s soldiers. That same year, the French General Auguste de Marmont established an army camp in this central location. In the autumn of 1804, satisfied with the military power of the new army and to occupy his bored soldiers, Marmont had his soldiers build an earth and turf monument. Construction lasted 27 days. The end result was named Marmontberg, or Mont Marmont. In 1806, despite protests from Marmont, Louis Bonaparte, the new king of Holland, renamed the hill the Pyramid of Austerlitz.
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Sights on this route
Starting point:
Parkeerplaats bij de Pyramide van AusterlitzZeisterweg 98
3931 MG Woudenberg
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Starting point
Parkeerplaats bij de Pyramide van Austerlitz
Zeisterweg 98
3931 MG Woudenberg
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Pyramid of Austerlitz
In 1804, General Marmont had the Pyramide van Austerlitz built as an homage to Napoleon and to give the 20,000 soldiers something to do.

Pannenkoekenhuis Bergzicht
The Pannenkoekenhuis Bergzicht pancake restaurant in Woudenberg is located by the N227 from Amersfoort to Doorn/Maarn and of old is known as ‘Aart Jansen’.

End point:
Parkeerplaats bij de Pyramide van AusterlitzZeisterweg 98
3931 MG Woudenberg
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