Amersfoort City Walk
Get to know Amersfoort, known as the Kei stad (Boulder city). This city walk will take you along many of the city sights with the wonderful stories that belong to Amerfoort's past. The walk starts at Lieve Vrouwekerkhof, next to the Amsersfoort VVV tourist information office. It will take you across medieval Amersfoort, through the Koppelpoort gate, along the city wall houses (muurhuizen) and the Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren tower. Enjoy a nice cup of coffee or a delicious lunch at one of the many cafés and restaurants, and have a look in some of the many nice shops along the way.
Would you also like to discover what Amersfoort has to offer in terms of modern art and architecture? Extend your route to visit Kunsthal KAdE and Museum Flehite.
Sights on this route
Starting point
3811 BH Amersfoort
Navigate to starting point
Koppelpoort (gate)
This unique land and water gate dates back from c. 1400 and is part of the city’s second set of surrounding walls.

Koppelpoort (gate)
Koppelpoort (gate)
This unique land and water gate dates back from c. 1400 and is part of the city’s second set of surrounding walls.

Muurhuizen (Wallhouses)
In the early days it was assumed that these houses formed the actual city defence, but this has been proven incorrect.

Muurhuizen (Wallhouses)
Muurhuizen (Wallhouses)
In the early days it was assumed that these houses formed the actual city defence, but this has been proven incorrect.
Start: The city walk starts at Lieve Vrouwepleinkerkhof, next to the Tourist Information (VVV).
1a. Lieve Vrouwekerkhof
1b. Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren
1c. Krankeledenstraat
1d. Kapelhuis
From the Kapelhuis, walk past the Tourist Information (VVV) and into the Breestraat. Continue on until you come to the Nieuweweg and turn left over the bridge. Turn left again at the end of the street (Westsingel). Continue on to number 47.
- Mannenzaal
Cross the street to the small white gate with the sign ‘Museum. This is the Flehite Museum.
- Museum Flehite
Cross back over the Westsingel and turn left onto the street Kleine Spui. At number 18 you will find Amersfoort’s only remaining brewery/
- De Drie Ringen
The famous Koppelpoort is located just at the end of Kleine Spui.
- Koppelpoort
To get to know Eemplein and the unconventional New City, just walk through the tunnel under the railway. To your left you will see the Eemplein. Want to shorten the route a little? Then, take the old bridge in front of the Koppelpoort and turn right after crossing the water. Stop at number 18. Then, continue your route from point 9.
- Kunsthal KAdE
Follow the water and continue along Kleine Koppel. Admire the beautiful ancient ships, housing a restaurant and B&B, among others. The area to your left is called Oliemolenkwartier, named after an old mill that once stood here. In this area, much industrial heritage sites are given a new destination.
- Oliemolenkwartier
Follow the water until the bridge (Kwekersbrug), cross the bridge and walk back on the other side of the water in the direction of the Koppelpoort. Just before the gate you will see a river dam to your left.
- Stoneyduw
Continue under the gate. Then, walk straight on along Grote Spui to number 11.
- Nederlandse Beiaardschool
Turn left at the end of the Grote Spui. You are now on ‘t Zand. You will find three places of interest here.
10a. St. Aegenkapel
10b. St. Fransiscus Xaverius Kerk
10c. Oud-katholieke parochie
Return via the same road (‘t Zand) and turn left onto Nieuweweg. Stop on the bridge for a few moments.
11a Heksenbruggetje
The White house is located to the right of the bridge.
11b. Witte Huisje
Across the street you see the former building of the Brewer’s Guild.
11c. Brouwersgilde
After crossing the bridge immediately turn left into the Havik.
11d. Havik
At the end of the Havik turn right onto the Lavendelstraat. Lavendelstraat 2 was once the site of a butcher’s shop, as referenced by the Jugendstil mosaic in the doorway. The mosaic dates from 1903. Continue straight ahead down the Lavendelstraat to the Hof. This is the largest square in Amersfoort.
12a. Hof
For a beautiful view, walk to the fountain on the square.
12b. Fontein
12c. St. Joriskerk
12d. Boterhal
From the fountain you walk along the church onto the street Zevenhuizen. Turn left (Langestraat) and then immediately left again, this square is called Groenmarkt.
13a. Groenmarkt
13b. St. Joris en de draak
Take the first street to the right (Appelmarkt).
14a. Appelmarkt
Walk straight adead in the direction of the small tower, to the water. Walk to the left for 15 meters. If you look well through the leaves. You can see a wooden construction at the other side of the water.
14b. Spoelsteiger
Walk back in the direction of the small tower. You are now in the street called Muurhuizen. This is where the first city wall used to be.
15a. Muurhuizen
Turn right, walk onto the street Muurhuizen. Follow the road onto the intersection with the street Langestraat. On your left you will see the Kamperbinnenpoort (gate).
- Kamperbinnenpoort
You may want to make a brief excursion to Hofje Armen de Poth and its alms-houses. Walk through the Kamperbinnenpoort (gate) to the Kamp. Turn onto the second street left (Coninkstraat) and then the first street to the right (Pothstraat). After 100 meters you will see Hofje Armen de Poth. If you are not visiting this place, continue from the Kamperbinnenpoort (gate) straight ahead onto the street Muurhuizen, and read on at number 18.
- Hofje Armen de Poth
Return to the Kamperbinnenpoort (gate). Pass underneath the gate and continue your walk by turning left onto the street Muurhuizen. Please note the statue of the city trumpeter on the corner of the Langestraat.
On your way back to the gate you walk on the Coninckstraat. Walk straight ahead to the Grote St. Jansstraat to arrive at something else.
18a. Secretarishuisje
18b. Dieventoren
19a. Tinnenburg
This bridge you cross provides magnificent views both of the city (right) and the ‘House with the Purple Windows’ (left).
19b. Het huis met de paarse ruiten
Continue your walk om the street Muurhuizen.
19C. Bollenburg
Acoss the street you can see the back of the only synagogue in Amersfoort.
19d. Synagoge
Continue your walk down the street Muurhuizen.
- Nieuwenburgh
At the end of the street Muurhuizen you walk onto the Scherbierstraat. This street owes its name to the cheap beer that ordinary people used to drink. Walk ahead to the Langestraat, turn left and walk to the Varkensmarkt (square). Cross it in an curve to the left and walk onto the Arnhemsestraat. At the end you will see the Amersfoort Boulder on your left.
- Amersfoortse Kei
Take the footpath on the left side of the Amersfoort Boulder at Plantsoen-Zuid (park). You will see all sorts of boulders, donated by different cities and countries. Walk on until you see Mariënhof.
- Mariënhof
You’ll find Monnikendam Water Gate when you keep walking straight ahead at the Plantoen-Zuid (park).
- Waterpoort Monnikendam
Walk back to Mariënhof and turn right (Kleine Haag). At the end you turn right again. Around the corner you can see the gate of the orphanage at number 25.
- Burgerweeshuis
Walk straight ahead.
Turn the first left (Weeshuisgang) and then go the right (Muurhuizen). Turn left before the bridge (Kortegracht) until number 11.
- Mondriaanhuis
At the end of the Kortegracht turn right (Langestraat). Please notice the white church on your right (Langestraat 61).
Take the first street to the left. This is the Krommestraat.
After Krommestraat 18 you turn left (Torengang). Turn right and then go to the left immediately (Zwanenhalssteeg). At the end you arrive at the Lieve Vrouwekerkhof, this is where you started your walk.